Saturday, November 30, 2013

'Get in the Habit' of Sharpening your Skills... I mean the Saw, Habit #7

The final habit of highly effective people is the practise of 'Renewal.' One of Stephen Covey's favourite and most remembered sayings was that "the Key to the many, is the one."

The principle being to maintain and increase effectives, we must renew ourselves in body, heart, mind & soul. The paradigm for 'Sharpening the Saw' is that "I nurture the goose that lays the golden eggs." Does anyone else remember that saying?

The behaviour we must follow to achieve this habit is to renew regularly in the four skills dimensions & to be strong in hard moments.

The results of this practise will be an improved capacity of stronger relationships (continuously,) greater reserves and continuous improvement of all things.

Renew Regularly your Four Skills Dimensions

These dimensions make up every task or emotion that contributes to our daily lives (and the other 6 habits.) They are physical, social/emotional, mental & spiritual.

When sharpening the saw it's important to take time now and then for self-reflection in how you are doing in these aspects of your life to see if you are on the right track, or need some reconstruction.

One - Physical

This dimension focusses on exercise, nutrition, getting enough rest, stress management & economic health. Irregular reflection of this dimension typically leads to depression.
This is most hard to follow in college life; where students stress about academics, family, finances, social status, new experiences and future plans.
Here are some tips to renew yourself physically...
  • Get the amount of sleep you know you need (most people say between 7-9 hours no more or less)
  • Set health and fitness goals (if you have to - but stick to them) train to run a marathon or set a goal for your weight or cholesterol
  • Eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fiber and drink lots of water
  • When you exercise make sure it includes flexibility, strength & cardiovascular endurance training as well
  • Reduce stress by eliminating any Quadrant 3 activities taking up 'urgent clutter'

Two - Social & Emotional

This dimension focusses on consistent deposits in your Emotional Bank Account of key relationships (and trust) in your life.
If by chance everything you say could be heard (for a day) by everyone, would you choose your words differently?
Here are some tips to renew yourself socially & emotionally...
  • Keep your relationships in constant repair
  • Value the differences in others and the opportunities that arise
  • Practise your listening with the people around you
  • Widen your circle of friends by forgiving yourself and others who have hurt you (a task I find one of the most hardest to do in our generation..)
  • Build family relationships stronger - immediate and extended
  • Let go of any damaging competitive feelings you may have towards others

Three - Mental

This dimension focusses on your talents; reading, writing, learning and continuous study. If your current skills were to become obsolete, would you learn more..?
Here are some tips to renew yourself mentally...
  • Keep a journal (textile or electronic)
  • Read voraciously! Stephen Covey specifically suggests that if you don't know what that word means.. then you should start reading immediately
  • Develop a hobby - it allows you to do something you love even if it doesn't end up your job or career
  • Continue your education; train your mind to stop every now and then to examine its own paradigm (I believe you can never stop learning no matter what age)

Four - Spiritual

The final dimension focusses on service, value clarification, inspiring literature, meditation & nature.
Giving a service can improve your health; volunteering is good for not only your heart but your immune system, rejuvenation and fight off sickness. Amazing things happen when you not only have a positive outlook on yourself but on others around you too.
The average person works about 11,000 days between their mid-20s until age 65... what legacy do you want to leave during that time?
Here are some tips to renew yourself spiritually...
  • Create, review and refine your Personal Mission Statement
  • Watch, listen and enjoy the world of nature (I started when I moved to Kingston, I never knew how beautiful city-life could be. Now I try to take a walk in the park at least 2-3 times a week after my classes)
  • Read some inspiring literature or specifically the biographies of the authors or people who inspire you
  • Commit to a life of total integrity to your priorities (I know sounds like a BIG commitment huh?)
  • Practise spiritual worship.... OK or at least listen to inspiration/uplifting music
  • Commit to serve your community; no less than 1-3 times a year

Finally, you have now completely your transition into a highly effective person! Up next is the final chapter in our Stephen Covey experience...


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