Saturday, February 03, 2018

What's taken so long!?

Okay so 2017 was kind of lacking in my blogging - I apologize! After removing a lot of toxic people & situations out of my life (and finding more positively fantastic ones instead), a lot of business hunting and side projects established it's time to get back on this for real! So whats been going on?

I have footage for about 5 other videos that I badly need to get done, I did buy myself new video editing software (Happy Birthday & Merry Christmas to myself) so I promise they will be on my Youtube throughout 2018. Some of my ideas are as follows:
- How to survive house parties
- Dancing 101: Michael Jackson moves
- When He leaves His first shirt at your house
- Dancing 101: How to K-pop
- When your roommates aren't home
- Dancing 101: Charlie Brown moves (saving for Christmas/New Years sorry!)
- Porter by Scroobius Pip (stop-motion cover)
- A day in the life of #KingstonSpiderwoman?
- "The Weatherman" a special movie production by my best friend and I - loosely based on a true story of one of my exes (haha)

Speaking of exes.. I have a new blog series to start, again purely comedic and loosely based on true events in my dating struggles (thank God that's over now!) Along with helping my one of my best friends officially launch her own business.. LadyWOLF Creations!

But on top of all of my video & blogging inspiration, has been my biggest pride & joy.. the launch of my Superhero for hire business.. PROheros [of Kingston] Cosplay Entertainment! Servicing the ygk area for costumed character parties, fundraisers, public events, hospital visits & private photoshoots!

I've called Kingston my home for so many years now that I decided to give back to the community. And ever since I started dressing up for Spirit Halloween and having a party for the children at CHEO (Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario) every year I figured "why can't someone start this in Kingston too?" SO I did! Please stay tuned to learn more!

Are there any other ideas you have for funny or informational blogs & videos you'd like to see? Or any superheroes you'd like me to invite next? Please comment your thoughts!

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