Saturday, November 01, 2014

A Hault on Halloween!

I still have one more Halloween Trick after all of last nights Treats. So please bare with me on my upcoming Halloween postings! But to keep you while you wait... for the first time in years (with the exception of my entry in the CBC Canada Writes Poetry Contest) I have actually sat down to write some real & raw poetic therapy.

I've had a lot of Up's & Down's this year, as we all tend to have, but I've just never felt inspired enough to write again. Call it writer's block or writer's fear.. But through all the tough times you have to look for the good. And that good is in the friends & family that love and support me. All of my internet fans & friends who support me and my craziness.You may see me everyday, you may talk to me once a week, or you may see me only twice a year. But I feel (I hope) when you read this you know who you are.. whether you have come in and out of my life by circumstance.. by love.. by friendship.. whether you have loved with me or laughed with me.. or wanted to.

I wrote this because I woke up inspired by all of the great friendship & love I've been surrounded with lately. Not to say it hasn't always been there.. But today I woke up acknowledging and feeling it's presence. I woke up feeling blessed.

A Heart plagued from ever flawed circumstance. Dreaming of the time it will transcend into more. Believing in a slow death, shedding each hope, each dream, each love, each loss like a layer of fading sanity. Growing heavier unto itself. Always doubtful, always fearful, receding from trust. 
Until a time when it finds the pieces, just out of grasp. It takes tedious time, it takes faith & patience. It takes finding & losing; repeated trying. It takes distance, it takes long & late sleepless late nights. It takes growing hope again, in order to unlock what's left of the pieces.. in order to gain the final and full effect. The Heart she was born with, the Heart that grew with her, the Heart she thought she lost. The Heart that longs for another, the Heart that think's she's found him. The Heart that is battered and scarred, the Heart he still thinks is Beautiful. The Heart she must have trust in again, in order to trust in him, in order to follow the dreams she gave up on, and maybe if she does, along the way she will find him, and he will stay. 
For as long as she searches, as long as she heals, a Heart cannot be complete without it's core. A core that when first born is given to another to keep intact, to keep pure and preserved, safe from years of hardship or happiness, of trial and tribulation, of learning and loss. This core of her Heart, he keeps for her, despite all the years, he's always known. And when she finds him, perhaps what's left of both of their Hearts will be enough to create the lighter side of Life & Love for them both. Together.

So I know this isn't very "Halloween-y" but hey, like I said before.. no one likes "filler" and my blog is no exception. I promise my next round of laughter & lunacy is coming soon!

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