Friday, August 15, 2014

Happy 100th creative.DUNNING

To celebrate JESSICA creative.DUNNING's 100th post I would like to introduce myself formally.

Now this video is special because its is barely edited and was surprisingly a lot of work. I never caught onto that "whiteboard: draw my life" craze but I figured to celebrate my 100th post I would give it a try... Let me tell you it is very hard to do when you have no tripod and no help.
Many of you know my perfectionist tendencies that usually lead to me doing a lot of things on my own. Despite that lack of proper equipment (caused by my lack of finances) I've been proud to blog for you all and create videos that you've loved (or at least laughed at) and supported so well.
This blog all started because of a class project in college (click here to look back at my very first post) and has since grown into the marvelous creation before you! I hope you have enjoyed my work over the years.
We have had many adventures together; through college, Florida, Disney World, humorous antics, business education & allergy awareness - and the new addition of DJ LuvSik! And to all of my family, friends and fans I promise the posts & videos aren't stopping anytime soon!
(And for those who want to take the challenge and count my posts... cause YOLO they have spare time and nothing to do... I have a few unpublished drafts that are added into my 100 count.. so technically this is my 94th published post... but Hey it fit with the theme!)

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