Thursday, January 09, 2014

Welcome back to 'the Grind' lil Black Sheep

After a long 'summer vacation' and a short 'winter break' and jumping back into the swing of college life I've found myself thrown into the world of advertising agencies and client work.

It's not easy keeping up with schooling and preparations back home while your abroad, and for some it's not any easier once you land... Some end up feeling very left out and far behind or 'the black sheep of the pack.'

Scheduling has to give you a specific day once a month for you to meet and have classes with your sponsor school (your sponsor school chooses this and they may vary depending on the month.) So in my opinion your home school program (or your recruiter/head of your Disney Exchange at your home school) should have a volunteer or system in place so that during that Off day or even on a different schedule Off day each week you are updated in the classes and lessons your missing.

Being in advertising and as beautifully and intricately complex as our course is, we missed quite a bit of knowledge, work, certifications and tests and important portfolio/resume building classes while we were off gallivanting around Florida with Mickey mouse and friends.

I wonder how hard it is for other ICPs to readjust back into non-pixie dust society... I thought I would provide a list of re-entry challenges or stages that most students or travellers that go abroad have to go through... Gathered by Dr. Bruce LaBrack.

I suppose this post is more of a warning for future ICPs... YES you will have the most fantasmic time of your life, but just make sure that you have a great friend-system waiting back hoe for you that can lend you notes on the classes you've missed and consider greatly how much catching up you will have to do when you get back.

(This also is a warning that I may have some inconsistent timing with my posts but I promise to be diligent none-the-less now that Creative.Dunning has so many wonderful and well loved supporters.)

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