Thursday, October 20, 2011

McGlobalization? (Revised after Marking)

Glocalization as the creation of products and services intended for the global market but customized to suit local needs (Tuckwell, K. Canadian Marketing in Action, Eighth Edition). McDonalds is a company that seems to be prospering from this strategy.

You need a lot of money to be a successful franchise. You need even more money to advertise to a mass market. You need even more money than that to market globally. And finally, you need a heck of a lot of money to be able to market globally to mass markets with local food within their cultures. Now what other franchise has the ability to pull off such feats as these? McDonalds of course.

The McRice in Hong Kong
It is almost sickening to think that a fast food franchise like McDonalds (which is starting to offer cheaper made products of poor quality for higher prices - as tasty as their food may be) is riding on the backs of multi-cultures people across the globe just to make a higher profit.

The Green Bean Pie also in Hong Kong

Serving items like green tea milkshakes and salmon burgers with dill sauce. McDonalds is a great example to any company that is thinking of expanding their franchise around the world. Strictly from a business point of view McDonalds is still a leader in the fast food service. Challengers like Burger King, Wendy's and Harvey's are finding it hard to compete with the customer loyalty and company longevity of McDonalds.

So I guess as long as children everywhere nag and whine for their Happy Meals, and the busy worker needs a quick place for a quick meal McDonalds will probably always continue to dominate market share of the fast food industry. That's a global McProblem I hope someone one day resolves.