Friday, August 02, 2013

Food based Allergies aren't Funny

I just had the opportunity to watch a new public service announcement from FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education) about food allergy bullying. Now the concept sounds very laughable but it does happen.

With so many children growing up with allergies its hard to protect them from everything - God knows I could never love anyone more than my Mom because she HAS tried. But I hope that more people come to realize these problems as they become more common. And I hope everyone takes the time to start learning about these things as I have made many posts about these topics.

Most children with food based allergies take a risk going to public schools (or even leaving their house) everyday. Just think about it for a minute... Who touched that book before you did? Who sat in that desk before you did? Who used the piece of red chalk at the front of the room before you did? What did they eat for lunch before they touched these things? Did they wash their hands? Do the teachers or custodial staff come and clean between classes? I doubt anyone ever thinks of these things but for family dealing with food based allergies they have to think of it all the time.

It gets worse when you enter bullying into the mix. There are physical and verbal abuse of course... but when you start smearing peanut butter or orange pulp on doorknobs and desks then gently wiping it off so the residue cant be seen that can be VERY dangerous. The same goes for roommates in college/university or even coworkers. The worst is when they forget your allergy but don't care enough to clean it up themselves and expect you to... with a food allergy you cant be cleaning up nut shells on your own or sanitise your kitchen while your roommates are gone just so that you can cook some pasta.

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