Thursday, November 17, 2011

An "All-Star Experience"

Frank Armstrong- Coolest Teacher ever!
Thank you for giving us such a great opportunity

Ip Man once said “It is difficult for a student to pick a good teacher, but it is more difficult for a teacher to pick a good student”. Last Friday our Writing for Marketing class was visited by an “All-Star Panel” of Advertising-Integrated Marketing Communications graduates who taught us a lot about our awaiting lives outside St. Lawrence walls.

Ricardo Guiliani, Gui Bermejo, Laura Kittner, Jamie Walker, and Viktor Michailov shared stories of their experiences in placements and jobs after graduation. They told us how important it was to always try your hardest, always say yes to the little jobs, appreciate the opportunities that are opened for you and always network and value those connections.

After the intermission we split into smaller groups and talked to the all-stars. I chose Viktor Michailov and I’m glad that I did. Viktor works for my Presentations teacher Jackie St. Pierre at Ontario East Economic Development. He also owns his own company Paw+Paw that specializes in luxury high comfort pet beds. Viktor explained to us that you have to respect everyone as fellow human beings. Everyone makes mistakes. He also asked us about blogging and the importance of separating our personal life from your professional.

Viktor changed my image of the business worker. He is really funny and charismatic and didn’t show up in a suit and talk all in business terminology. He spoke as though he only left school yesterday. He thought it was really cool that I based a big part of my brand on food allergy awareness. That gave me some much needed self-confidence that I wasn’t finding anywhere else since arriving in Kingston.

Viktor Michailov once said “I see life as an amusement park. There are all these rides but you’re only given a limited amount of time to stay. It’s up to you to figure out how many you’ll don’t want any regrets on the way out”. I’ve never found anyone who I could look up to (save my mother) but I hope that Frank invites Viktor to come back again. I could have talked with him all day, and I hope I get another chance to over the next 2 years.

Thank you Viktor, don’t hesitate to visit again because your newest fan will be here when you do.